[Short #52] Noble Cards Onboarding Experience

TLDR: The experience almost broke my laptop 💻💀

So if you haven’t read my post yesterday, TLDR is I was exhausted from NFT NYC so I spent last Saturday indoors to have alone time to catch up on personal and professional thangz.

And that’s how I came across Subway Rats, which was such a delightful Discord onboarding experience that I had to write about it.

After going through that…

I came across something else. 2 unique onboarding experiences in one evening?!

Probably a little less dive-worthy, but noteworthy enough for me to write about, so here we go!

Now before I continue

Similar to yesterday’s post, I strongly encourage you to experience what I’m writing about yourself. It’s sorta like watching a movie in 2D (my breakdown) vs. the new 4DX or whatever it’s called lol (going through the motions yourself).

The experience is the most important part, but additional context and links for reference.

  • The experience: oncyber.io/noble

  • Website: nobletoken.com

  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artifaction2

If you want to see my recorded experience, check it out here (2 min. recording)

If you do watch, I would like to warn you my laptop had a laggy experience with oncyber because..my laptop sucks 😂. It’s me, not them.

Noble Cards experience breakdown

As I continued my mission of inbox zero’ing my Discord notifications, I came across this message.

Cool cool, nothing crazy.

What are these types of notifications? Groups often share information of various raffles that might be interesting or have a higher chance of positive financial return. Entering these raffles are also easy to opt-in while having the option to purchase if you won the raffle. Lightweight, commitment free, and potential financial gain. Nice!

Btw, this tool is Premint, the leading raffle tool for NFT projects. Probably worth a post another day as a better way to do raffles vs. that Instagram BS.

Though you can’t see it since I was already confirmed for the raffle, these were the requirements:

Cool, nothing crazy…wait a sec. You need to have at least 0.85 ETH (~$850) in your wallet?! That’s a lot for most folks. Including me, because if I have any leftover ETH in my wallet, I usually spend it on more jpegs 😥

Because of that requirement I got intrigued…From my limited experience, projects that had a high ETH balance requirement were relatively successful.

Remember Moonbirds?

The ETH balance requirement to enter the raffle was 2.5 ETH 🤔

Alright, let’s dig in. Time for some due diligence.

But wait! What’s oncyber?

For those unfamiliar, it’s basically a digital art gallery that anyone can create or participate in. Essentially anyone can become an art curator and create a digital museum with their NFTs! Awesome right?!

Alright, I guess I’m the only one geeking out 😒

Oh snap…here we go! What’s that thing in the back with ‘Play’?

Entering into the first corridor, we’re greeted by a slightly creepy character. For any Mr. Robot fans, you know who that is 😉.

Written instructions are on either side of the hallway.

Let’s read the instructions:

Woah this is cool, so you visit the gallery every day, find the new piece added to the gallery for 30 days. If you do this successfully your “Push Play” NFT evolves with the accomplishment.

TBH, I don’t fully understand the mechanics here (how do you get that Play NFT in the first place anyway? Maybe I discovered it too late), but I love the combination of:

  • Gamification - Find the new art piece in Noble’s oncyber gallery

  • Engagement/retention - Do this for 30 days

  • Virality - Tweet about the new piece every day

It also reminds me of a version of this from my gaming days, though the retention mechanics below are more straightforward.

Cool, right? So what IS Noble Cards?


  • You collect cards and can upgrade them

  • You need to have Card #1 in order to participate in any of the drops

  • You can upgrade via the game mechanics mentioned above and your cards can as well. Upgrading seems to lead to rarer art pieces.

This is Card #1, ah that “Push Play” thing at the end of the gallery.

And who are some of the artists in Season 1?

Unfamiliar with them? It’s ok. Trust me, they’re big in the space.

Note: These are screenshots of secondary sales, not primary sales. Also, artist work oftentimes is sold/transacted on other platforms like Foundation instead of Opensea.

So what?

Yea, yea TPan is going off one of his geekout sessions.

  • Season pass concept in art: I’m not an art expert but I haven’t really seen this done before. Digital art and NFTs make this possible and it may become more prevalent in the space. Think Snackcrate or Birchbox…but for art 😳

  • Art is Art, but you can add layers to it: Art will always be art, plain and simple. There shouldn’t be any expectation of “utility” beyond the fact that it’s art and it’s beautiful. Sure, the value of an artist’s pieces may appreciate but it operates on a different timeline and you’re ultimately supporting the artist. BUT…can a company/project add additional dimensions to the art via gamification and other strategies/tactics? Sure! And that’s what’s happening with Noble Cards.

Clearly the team gets it 😉

I’m excited to see digital art continue to evolve in various ways. Bravo Grifter Six Labs!

See you tomorrow 🎨

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